Bees on Artichokes, Spring Bay MILL January (VOIGT)
It all started when…
we spent hours as beekeepers watching pollen being brought into the hive by our hard working bees. Pollen is a vital food source for these amazing organisms. A number of beekeeping groups have started to document pollen sources in our local area and this project takes that work to another level. We are seeking community contributions to document pollen forage for bees in Tasmania.
Whether you are a photographer or just like to dabble, we are keen for you to send us photos of bees on plants with pollen on their legs. It is important you also send us the name of the plant, location and time of the year. This info will provide rich documentation for making this a valuable resource to all beekeepers and bee gardeners.
Your name will enable us to acknowledge your contribution and artwork.
Should you have any queries please contact the project on