The New Season
/Acacia in blossum
Spring is nearly here following a very wet winter. The rains are appreciated after some of the worse droughts on record. Last year was the worse honey flow in 59 years according to my beekeeper friends.
The season ahead however may be one of the best honey flows for many years. We have watched the eucalyptus trees budding up, we have black gums still flowering and the bees have continued to breed this year during winter.
There is an old farmer's saying in Tasmania and it is known to the old beekeepers as well. 'If the wattle (Acacia) blossoms are good, the season will be good.' And everywhere I look at the moment is a mass of Acacia blossom. It is providing excellent pollen for the brood nest although not much nectar.
So check out the mass blossoming of wattles as you travel about. This promises to be a good year for bees.
Happy beeking!